Thursday, January 05, 2006

The 'real world' ALREADY?

So my boss pulls me into his office late this afternoon (yikes, scary) to say I should apply for a position that's opening up. This job is twice what I make right now, and twice the work too. But wait a minute! I'm not done with my thesis! Oh crap! A THESIS? Yeah, haven't been doin much of that lately. Well, I guess it's time I grew up! I won't have any more of that lovely (and low interest) Federal loan money coming in after June, so I better get at it. Damn. I was hoping to be in school forever. Wake-up call Lucy! Primatology doesn't pay as much as transportation. Alas, I belive I am about to become a 'lifer' with the state. Wake me up in a few years and remind me of my passions (but not till I've paid off all of my debts!).


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